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It takes about six hours in total to reach the top of Roy Peak to see Lake Wanaka.

I took four rideshares and went all the way from Queenstown to Arrowtown and then to Wanaka. I won't post the photos of Arrowtown. I will go there again in late autumn. With fallen leaves all over the ...

The process of sunrise is very fast, but you will remember this moment for a lifetime. So if you are in Queenstown, I still recommend going to Ben Lomond to watch the sunrise.

There are three Great Walks of New Zealand near Queenstown! One can imagine how beautiful the scenery in this area is.Previously, I went to the visitor information center (I-site) to ask about the tra ...

Along the way, the beauty of nature constantly impacts your vision. The mountains undulate, the green trees are shady, and the clear streams flow. And when you finally see Rob Roy Glacier, the shock i ...

Wanaka Classic Car ShowThe sun shines on these classic cars, shining brightly.✨ Each car is like a work of art with a story. Some car bodies are brightly colored and eye-catching, while others are lo ...

The Franz Josef Glacier is also an important natural attraction that showcases the power and wonder of nature. It is a reminder of the dynamic forces that have shaped New Zealand's landscape over ...

Mildford Track, fourth day, second half. The weather turns sunny. Take a boat into the world-famous Mildford Sound. And on the return journey, end this track that has gone through four seasons. T ...

The higher we climbed up the mountain, the colder the air became.The long beard of a British person had already frozen into a lump. Many times he wanted to take out his mobile phone to take pictures, ...

The second day started rainy, luckly I brought my rainjacket. Reminder : Be well prepare before going to a long trip!!

The weather is very hot and the sun is extremely fierce.

武汉已成为全球最大的无人驾驶试验场,很多市民都来体验无人出租车。🚗 然而,无人驾驶车辆在复杂交通环境中还是存在一些不足,引发了部分人类司机的不满。👩‍💼 据预测,未来无人驾驶车的商业化落地时间节点在 203 ...

长沙朝宗街位于中国湖南省长沙市黄兴中路,是长沙市著名的历史文化街区之一。朝宗街是一条保存了大量明清风貌建筑的老街,历史悠久,文化底蕴深厚。这里有很多传统的手工艺品店、茶馆和小吃摊,是游客感受当地传统文 ...

我的市买车票或船票来看江景,I recommend buying tickets for the

去五一广场找吃的,到了这个地铁站里面,感觉10个人里面8个都是女性,吓我一跳。好在出了地铁站,在街上就没有这种感觉。五一广场非常多人,就是人挤人,虽然很多吃的店铺,但街道还是很干净,城市规划也很好,道路 ...

朋友一直说一个湖南中医师多么多么得厉害,我之前遇到得湖南中医师确实有两把刷子,决定从广东到湖南一趟。 6号从广东出发湖南。次日早上6点从长沙驱车330公里去湖南怀化找一个隐世的中医师,期间通过山间小路, ...

今天就来介绍一下广东的糖水。很多人听到饮茶,以为是喝茶,其实是广式早餐,糖水可能觉得甜的水,其实是甜品,随着时代的发展,糖水都越来越多样化。Today, let's talk about Cantonese sweet dessert. Many people ...

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