(Qingming ancestor worship is an important folk custom in Guangdong.)
嘿呀,今天这场雨可真大!我冒着瓢泼大雨去拜山呐!那路滑得,我跟滑冰似的,好几次都差点滑下去,可把我吓得够呛!好在我身手还算敏捷,死死抓住旁边的草稞子,不然随时都会成为泥人。(Qingming ancestor worship is an important folk custom in Guangdong.
Wow, the rain today is really heavy! I braved the pouring rain to go pay respects at the ancestral graves! The road was so slippery, I felt like I was ice skating, almost slipping several times, which really scared me! Luckily, I have quick reflexes and managed to grab onto the nearby grass tufts tightly, or I could have easily ended up as a mud figure.)
(I have to admire my uncles and older relatives, each of them doesn't need GPS. In this dense jungle, where there are no roads or tombstones, they can still find the graves.)
(Even though I was soaked to the skin, my mood was not bad. I muttered a few words to my ancestors, regardless of whether they heard or not, hoping that they would bless me to have a smooth journey ahead.)